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Endocrinology - Diabetes Care

With reliable and quick methods for glucose diagnosing and monitoring at the diabetes clinic, the staff can provide both efficient care and convenience for the patient 

A patient with acute diabetes symptoms wants clear answers how serious the situation is. In case of diabetes, urgent investigations as well as education on life style changes may be necessary. The reward may support better health and well-being. efficient care and convenience for the patient

A position of trust

Your expertise as a physician can limit patient concerns and help take control of the situation. A good glycemic control is important to delay or avoid complications.
With reliable and quick HemoCue glucose point-of-care testing systems to determine glucose, HbA1c and urine albumin, you can give immediate feedback to your patient - or suggest necessary changes. By using methods to detect early warning signs of complications, things can be changed before progressing more serious conditions.

Solutions at hand

HemoCue point-of-care testing (POCT) systems are available to test glucose, HbA1c and urine albumin. The systems give immediate results with laboratory accuracy. With these systems at hand, you have a complete point-of-care diabetes testing portfolio which can manage the following:

  • Screening, diagnosing and monitoring of diabetes    
  • Detection and monitoring of microalbuminuria
  • Detection and monitoring of anemia

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